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Symposium Image Perception and Visual Literacy

FORTHEM Collective Short-Term Mobility in France

  • Dates of the event: From Monday 10th to Friday 14th March
  • Location of the event: Technopôle Hub&Go, 72 rue Jean Jaurès, Le Creusot, France
  • Organisers : University of Latvia (LV), Faculty of Humanities (Department of Philosophy and Ethics) and Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology (Department of Art and Technologies) —  Université Bourgogne Europe (FR).
  • Project description : The project aims to develop an interdisciplinary and creative platform to discuss the visual dimension of contemporary culture in various aspects. The dominance of the image in contemporary culture strives to change our perception of the world – it can be observed in many forms – be it visual communication, plastic and performing arts, virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI) and other fields of endeavour. This relatively new situation invites to re-consider traditional notions of image, entertainment, communication, art, education and European culture in general.



Day 1 – Monday : Opening & Introduction

2:30 PM – Opening of the symposium :
Welcome and general presentation – FORTHEM: Bernhard Altheim, hub&go: Representative
Introduction of participants
Presentation of the symposium’s general framework (Lab AACS) and detailed program
4:00 PM – Guided Tour : Visit of the building and facilities

Day 2 – Tuesday : Perception & Image

8:45 AM – Coffee Reception

Session chair : Ghaith CHAMAA, VIBOT master student
9:00 AM – Zane OZOLA, PhD (U.Latvia) : Introducing the Symposium – Topics, values and Expectations
9:30 AM – José-Rodolfo HERNANDEZ-CARRION, Prof. (U. Valencia): Trans-making
10:30 AM – Coffee Break
10:50 AM – Talks on Image Perception :
Elizabeth THOMAS, Prof. (UBE): Image Perception through Neurons
Konrad ŻELIŹNIAK (U. Opole): Cognitive Processes of Perception, Gestalt Principles, and Historical Context of Image Perception

12:20 PM – Lunch Break

Session chair : Syed Sameed AHMED, VIBOT master student
2:00 PM – Image and Reality in Media :
Alexis GUILLIER (École Média Art du Grand Chalon) : On-Set Accidents – Tensions Between Physical Reality and Image
Dan TEODORA (U. Sibiu): From Blueprints to Reality
3:25 PM – Coffee Break
3:45 PM – Workshop Zsófia DULL, (U. Mainz)
: The visual elements in theatre
4:30 PM – Working Groups & Discussion :
– Initial setup of working groups
– Open round table discussion: symposium themes & participant expectations
6:30 PM – End of Sessions

7:00 PM – Collective Pizza Dinner (hub&go) – Offered by FORTHEM

Day 3 – Wednesday : AI, Vision & Society

8:30 AM – Coffee Reception

Session chair : Muhammad Haseeb KHAN, VIBOT master student
9:00 AM – AI and Visual Perception :
– Joaquim RODRIGUEZ, PhD (UBE): Principles of AI in Artificial Vision
– Arnaud DUBUC (teacher at IUT le Creusot ): Conceptual Comics and the Hacking of Images: Rethinking Ownership and Representation
10:20 AM – Coffee Break
10:40 AM – AI and Society :
Theo PETITJEAN, PhD (Wasoria): Using AI for Image Generation
Shao Xun LEE (U. Valencia): Applying AI and Big Data in Economics
Stanislav Bykov (U. Latvia): Generating Images with AI as a Tool for Developing Children’s Critical Thinking Skills

12:30 PM – Lunch Break

Session chair : Hafiz Chaudhry Rafay AAMIR, VIBOT master student
2:00 PM – Perception & Communication :
Buse AKDAĞ (U. Opole): Perception, Language, and Image in Communication
2:30 PM – Workshop Austra AVOTIŅA, PhD, Austra CELMIŅA-ĶEIRĀNE, PhD, Anna ANSONE : AI’s Role in Creative Seeing – Turning the Invisible Visible
3:30 PM – Coffee Break
3:50 PM – Round Table Discussion led by Rodolfo HERNANDEZ-CARRION
6:00 PM – End of Sessions

Day 4 – Thursday : Visual Perception and Art

8:25 AM – Coffee Reception

Session chair : Muhammad Ureed HUSSAIN, VIBOT master student
9:45 AM Visual Perception and Art
Zane OZOLA, PhD (U. Latvia): Homo Aestheticus: Seeing Beyond the Image in Contemporary Culture
Beatrice MASI (U. Palermo): Kalokagathia in Ancient Greece and Its Repercussions on Today’s Society
10:40 AM – Coffee Break
11:00 AM – Technology & Art
Frédéric MERIENNE, Prof. (ENSAM) : Virtual Reality
Johel MITERAN, Prof. (UBE) : Art and Image (Film Projection)
Various Artists : Presentation of Their Perception and Vision

12:30 PM – Lunch (hub&go) – Offered by FORTHEM

2:00 PM
Exhibition*: Art Through Image – presentation of artworks by their creators (11 Artists)
Demonstrations on
– Virtual Reality
– AI-generated images
– Artificial Vision and Robotics
3:45 PM – Coffee Break
4:00 PM – Visual Perception and Art (cont.)
Paula Lūcija Lejiņa (U. Lativia) : Failure to see, failure to meet: (dis)missing the otherness in the city
Daria-Elena APOSTOL (U. Sibiu) : The Art of Seeing: How Image Perception Shapes Our Experience of Dance
Georgeta Maria Roman (U. Sibiu) : A Research in Visual Anthropology: a Possible Route of the Elizabethan Ruff from England to a Village in Transylvania
5:30 PM – Discussion
6:00 PM – End of Sessions

* 4:00 PM – 7:30 PM : Exhibition Open to the Public.

Day 5 – Friday : Conclusion & Exploration

8:30 AM – Coffee Reception

Session chair : Hassaan AHMED, VIBOT master student
9:00 AM – Final Feedback & Closing Discussion
10:00 AM — End of the symposium

Departures for early trains

12:00 PM – Lunch Break

2:00 PM – Visits (and departures for other trains)
– Laboratory in Artificial Vision (ImViA)
– City Tour
– Visit to the exhibition « Manuten∫ions.2 » at l’ARC (Art Center)


FORTHEM Collective Short-Term Mobility in France

  • Dates of the event: From Monday 10th to Friday 14th March
  • Location of the event: Technopôle Hub&Go, 72 rue Jean Jaurès, Le Creusot, France
  • Organisers : University of Latvia (LV), Faculty of Humanities (Department of Philosophy and Ethics) and Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology (Department of Art and Technologies) —  Université Bourgogne Europe (FR).
  • Project description : The project aims to develop an interdisciplinary and creative platform to discuss the visual dimension of contemporary culture in various aspects. The dominance of the image in contemporary culture strives to change our perception of the world – it can be observed in many forms – be it visual communication, plastic and performing arts, virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI) and other fields of endeavour. This relatively new situation invites to re-consider traditional notions of image, entertainment, communication, art, education and European culture in general.



Day 1 - Monday : Opening & Introduction

2:30 PM – Opening of the symposium :
- Welcome and general presentation – FORTHEM: Bernhard Altheim, hub&go: Representative
- Introduction of participants
- Presentation of the symposium’s general framework (Lab AACS) and detailed program
4:00 PM – Guided Tour : Visit of the building and facilities

Day 2 - Tuesday : Perception & Image

8:45 AM – Coffee Reception

Session chair : Ghaith CHAMAA, VIBOT master student
9:00 AM – Zane OZOLA, PhD (U.Latvia) : Introducing the Symposium - Topics, values and Expectations
9:30 AM – José-Rodolfo HERNANDEZ-CARRION, Prof. (U. Valencia): Trans-making
10:30 AM – Coffee Break
10:50 AM – Talks on Image Perception :
- Elizabeth THOMAS, Prof. (UBE): Image Perception through Neurons
- Konrad ŻELIŹNIAK (U. Opole): Cognitive Processes of Perception, Gestalt Principles, and Historical Context of Image Perception

12:20 PM – Lunch Break

Session chair : Syed Sameed AHMED, VIBOT master student
2:00 PM – Image and Reality in Media :
- Alexis GUILLIER (École Média Art du Grand Chalon) : On-Set Accidents – Tensions Between Physical Reality and Image
- Dan TEODORA (U. Sibiu): From Blueprints to Reality
3:25 PM – Coffee Break
3:45 PM – Workshop Zsófia DULL, (U. Mainz)
: The visual elements in theatre
4:30 PM – Working Groups & Discussion :
- Initial setup of working groups
- Open round table discussion: symposium themes & participant expectations
6:30 PM – End of Sessions

7:00 PM – Collective Pizza Dinner (hub&go) – Offered by FORTHEM

Day 3 - Wednesday : AI, Vision & Society

8:30 AM – Coffee Reception

Session chair : Muhammad Haseeb KHAN, VIBOT master student
9:00 AM – AI and Visual Perception :
- Joaquim RODRIGUEZ, PhD (UBE): Principles of AI in Artificial Vision
- Arnaud DUBUC (teacher at IUT le Creusot ): Conceptual Comics and the Hacking of Images: Rethinking Ownership and Representation
10:20 AM – Coffee Break
10:40 AM – AI and Society :
- Theo PETITJEAN, PhD (Wasoria): Using AI for Image Generation
- Shao Xun LEE (U. Valencia): Applying AI and Big Data in Economics
- Stanislav Bykov (U. Latvia): Generating Images with AI as a Tool for Developing Children's Critical Thinking Skills

12:30 PM – Lunch Break

Session chair : Hafiz Chaudhry Rafay AAMIR, VIBOT master student
2:00 PM – Perception & Communication :
- Buse AKDAĞ (U. Opole): Perception, Language, and Image in Communication
2:30 PM – Workshop Austra AVOTIŅA, PhD, Austra CELMIŅA-ĶEIRĀNE, PhD, Anna ANSONE : AI’s Role in Creative Seeing – Turning the Invisible Visible
3:30 PM – Coffee Break
3:50 PM – Round Table Discussion led by Rodolfo HERNANDEZ-CARRION
6:00 PM – End of Sessions

Day 4 - Thursday : Visual Perception and Art

8:25 AM – Coffee Reception

Session chair : Muhammad Ureed HUSSAIN, VIBOT master student
9:45 AM Visual Perception and Art
- Zane OZOLA, PhD (U. Latvia): Homo Aestheticus: Seeing Beyond the Image in Contemporary Culture
- Beatrice MASI (U. Palermo): Kalokagathia in Ancient Greece and Its Repercussions on Today's Society
10:40 AM – Coffee Break
11:00 AM – Technology & Art
- Frédéric MERIENNE, Prof. (ENSAM) : Virtual Reality
- Johel MITERAN, Prof. (UBE) : Art and Image (Film Projection)
- Various Artists : Presentation of Their Perception and Vision

12:30 PM – Lunch (hub&go) – Offered by FORTHEM

2:00 PM
Exhibition*: Art Through Image – presentation of artworks by their creators (11 Artists)
Demonstrations on
- Virtual Reality
- AI-generated images
- Artificial Vision and Robotics
3:45 PM – Coffee Break
4:00 PM – Visual Perception and Art (cont.)
Paula Lūcija Lejiņa (U. Lativia) : Failure to see, failure to meet: (dis)missing the otherness in the city
Daria-Elena APOSTOL (U. Sibiu) : The Art of Seeing: How Image Perception Shapes Our Experience of Dance
Georgeta Maria Roman (U. Sibiu) : A Research in Visual Anthropology: a Possible Route of the Elizabethan Ruff from England to a Village in Transylvania
5:30 PM – Discussion
6:00 PM – End of Sessions

* 4:00 PM – 7:30 PM : Exhibition Open to the Public.

Day 5 - Friday : Conclusion & Exploration

8:30 AM – Coffee Reception

Session chair : Hassaan AHMED, VIBOT master student
9:00 AM – Final Feedback & Closing Discussion
10:00 AM — End of the symposium

Departures for early trains

12:00 PM – Lunch Break

2:00 PM – Visits (and departures for other trains)
- Laboratory in Artificial Vision (ImViA)
- City Tour
- Visit to the exhibition « Manuten∫ions.2 » at l’ARC (Art Center)

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